Our pet birds are like one of the family and we don't like to think of them getting older, but part of being a responsible bird owner is knowing how to take care of an aging bird. Below are some things to be aware of to ensure that your bird's "Golden Years" are healthy and happy ones! Things To Be Aware Of In Your Senior Bird
Nutrition - Obesity in birds occur as they get older and less active. This may lead to a distended abdomen, difficulty breathing, decreased ability to tolerate heat and overgrown beaks.
Behavior Changes - Increased sleeping, less activity and less vocalization are some normal age-related changes but can also be signs that your bird may be ill. If you notice any behavior changes, it is best to have your bird examined by your veterinarian to determine the cause.
Mobility - Arthritis is common in senior birds. Signs of this include reluctance to fly, loss of balance and swollen joints. Flexible perches and sitting platforms may help.
Feathers - Feather colors may change as your bird gets older and so may the ability to preen. Watch for feathers that are out of place or not kept clean. This may be another sign of arthritis.
Liver & Kidney Disease - Signs of Liver Disease (Fatty Liver) may include loss of appetite, lethargy, depression, difficulty in breathing, diarrhea. This can be very serious so if your birds show any of these signs consult your veterinarian immediately. Signs of Kidney Disease are loss of weight and appetite, increased drinking and watery droppings. If diagnosed early kidney disease may be managed.
Heart & Respiratory Disease - Birds who may have been in prolonged contact with second hand smoke may develop heart and lung problems. Some signs of this are fainting spells and difficulty breathing. If these occur you should consult you veterinarian for a diagnosis.